NLPSA Lab at Academia Sinica is a team of faculty, postdocs, and students
who work together
on algorithm and applications.
Our work ranges from basic research in computational linguistics to key applications in human language technology, and covers areas such as sentiment analysis, semantic role labeling, information extraction and computer assisted language learning (CALL).
News & Events
EmotionGIF 2020
the shared task of SocialNLP 2020
EmotionX 2019
the shared task of SocialNLP 2019
Knowledge-Enriched Visual Storytelling
AAAI 2020
Chao-Chun Hsu, Zi-Yuan Chen, Chi-Yang Hsu, Chih-Chia Li, Tzu-Yuan Lin, Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang, Lun-Wei Ku
UHop: An Unrestricted-Hop Relation Extraction Framework for Knowledge-Based Question Answering
Zi-Yuan Chen, Chih-Hung Chang, Yi-Pei Chen, Jijnasa Nayak and Lun-Wei Ku
Exam Keeper: Detecting Questions with Easy-to-Find Answers
WWW Demo 2019
Ting-Lun Hsu, Shih-Chieh Dai and Lun-Wei Ku

Dr. Lun-Wei Ku

Chell Chien
Admin. Assistant

Ya-Ting Chuang
Admin. Assistant

YSheng-Wen Pan
Admin. Assistant

Boaz Shmueli
Postdoctoral Fellow

Huan-Chieh Tseng
Research Assistant

Zion Ma
Research Assistant

Elena Korshunova
Research Assistant

Li-wun Chang
Research Assistant

Chih-Ning Chen
Research Assistant

Yili Hsu
Part-time Research Assistant

Luana Chen
Part-time Research Assistant

Wei-Hsin Yeh
Part-time Research Assistant
Corpus & Resources
Semantic Role Labeling, language learning and Emotion detection
WSDM All the wiser video
MoodSwipe video
Escape from An Echo Chamber
Storytelling video
EmotionPush video

Semantic Role Labeling
A semantic role labeling system for Chinese. (Shafqat Virk and Andy Lee)

SRL Concept
A semantic role labeling system. (Shafqat Virk and Andy Lee)
This project aims to recognize implicit emotions in blog posts. (Chenyi Lee and Maxis Kao)

An online writing assessment tool that help ESL choosing right emotion words. (Wei-Fan Chen and Frankle Chen)

Learning confusion words by example sentences. (Chieh-Yang Huang)